Email Marketing
Affordable Email Marketing For Restaurants & Takeaways
Increase Your Orders With Our Email Marketing Package
What is Email Marketing?
When a customer registers on your website to place an online orders and if email marketing is enabled on your package, then as soon as the customer is registered an email will be send from an auto-responder system personalising the email with customer name inviting the customer to accept invite to receive following emails with special offers, promotions, updates, voucher codes, discounts and many more.
The system keeps tracks when to send the next automated follow up email without bombarding or spamming the customer with promotional offer emails.
For example:
Day 1: Customer registers on your restaurant/takeaway website.
Day 1: After registration is completed, a welcome email is send to the customer email registered email address with your restaurant/takeaway branded email format inviting the customer to accept and verify their email address. (95% of the customer do verify their email address and opt-in for future emails, as everyone likes offers, discounts and codes)
Day 3: Inviting to like your restaurant/takeaway facebook fanpage and share with their friends and family.
Day 6: If you have a general discount coupon code, then the coupon code will be send to the customer and offering them to click a link to order online through your website and use the coupon code to get discount on their first or second order.
Day 10: Inviting them to add your restaurant to their google+ circle and spread the message to their friends and family.
Day 15: Sending any special customer message provided by you.
Day 17: Promoting one of your special dish (if any) or promote a particular product which sells very well in your restaurant/takeaway, so customer also orders and enjoy the special recommend food item.
And the process continues for every customer that registers on your website. We can set up-to 10 messages to cover for the month. If you however want to send a bulk message to all your registered customers on a particular date, then send us your message and we will do the rest.
Here are some example of one of our client email campaign, click on the images to see the bigger picture.
Total Statics

Client name is burled because of privacy issue. Our client have more then 3000+ active customer and every day people are registering so that means more customer are joining every single day. So 3000+ active customer means that they have confirmed their email address and confirmed that they are satisfied to receive emails.
If you open the image above you can see how many mails are send to their customers, how many emails are opened and how many customers has actually visited our client website.
If you manually send 3000 emails from your mail box, your emails address will be banned, your website not show in search engines and probably your domain will closed down from big authorities. So to be safe and sound we need to use autoresponder.
Follow Up Email Messages

In above image you will see some promotion message with pre-written and ready to send to the new customer who joins in your system.
Once we set up the follow up messages properly optimized keeping in mind of attracting the customers so they can click on the link and visit your website to make an order.
What do I get within the package?
- Email Template Design
- Creating the follow up messages
- Linking with the ordering system
- Any monthly promotion emails
- Any broadcast messages
- Taking care of your customers email list
- Services and maintenance
For example, click the images below and see one of our client campaign
Benefits of Email Marketing:
- Email all your customers at one time, no spam or junk issue
- Increase your sales
- Build relationship with your customers
- Build loyalty towards your customers
- Build huge number of customers list over a period of time
- Increase your Brand awareness
- Promote any promotional/special information anytime or schedule time
- Stand out of your competitors as you can instantly communicate with your customer base without having to spend any extra cost.
- You do not need to work about Technical things we take care of everything.
We will setup in a way that the complete process is atomized and you do not have to do any of the work and leave it to our experts who maintain many clients who has over 5000+ customer database.
When is the best time to sign up for email marketing?
The best time for signing up for email marketing is when you start your website to take online orders, so that you do not miss out any potential customers to get into the email marketing system.
How To Order Email Marketing Package:
- Select your package depending on your customer base
- Click the Subscribe Button
- Login with your PayPal Account details
- Check the package selected and click “Agree and Pay”
- Once Subscription is confirmed, you will be re-directed to a thank you page
- Fill in the required details in the “Thank You For Email Marketing” page
- Once we receive your PayPal subscription confirmation and filled form, we will activate email marketing on your account
- No further action is required from your part. We will only contact you when you want to send special offers to all your customers via email
Click On the Images for Example
Cost per month:
Less 500 Customer = £10 Per Month
500 Customer = £20 per month
1000 Customer = £30 per month
2000 Customer = £35 per month
3000 Customer = £40 per month
4000 Customer = £45 per month
5000+ customer = £50 per month
**Note: Make Sure After Payment Click on “Return…”
NOTE: Without an Autoresponder service sending mails directly from a mail inbox will count as spam and banned your website address indexing in search engine and may be closed down, all the customer will receive emails in spam folder or customer have the rights to complain about you to a complain authority because customer didn’t given you the permission to send any promotion message to their emails. Autoresponder is safe and secure method to do email marketing because the customer have confirm their email address and given you the permission to send emails to them in future.
Note2: We use our own Autoresponder service from third party to maintain your email campaigns and take care of everything and we can not provide you the access and full control as it is our own account. If you want to control everything by yourself then you have to buy Autoresponder service from third party to start your own email campaign and we can link with your online ordering system for FREE. Click Here to purchase the Gold or Titanium third party Autoreponder service.
After purchasing autoresponder service, provide us the login details and we will link with your online ordering system for FREE and all the rest work you have to do by yourself.